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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Great bedtime music for little ones

I was reading up about recommended music for kids on the site, and it brought to mind my favorite CD from when my daughter was a wee sprout. Storytime by J.P. Harrison was a favorite of ours for the time before bedtime. Composed and performed by the wonderful J.P. himself, this is a great ragtime collection with an environmental theme and a depth of songwriting not normally found in childrens music.

Good music can help make bedtime with your little ones an enjoyable experience for everyone, while helping to instill an appreciate for the planet earth. An appreciation for a good nights sleep, and living a greener lifestyle are behind our choices of materials for all of our products, including our Baby Woolies (crib mattress covers).

1 comment:

  1. Anne Murray was always one of my favourite childhood musicians! But you are right - as a child I couldn't sleep without my music box tinkling. So important for good health!


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